
1 family - 30 days - 0 junk food. Can it be done?????

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our last gasp!

 "It's our last day of junk.  Puhleeeeeeeeeeeze Mom"

Pizza....that siren of easy meals when your exhausted.

I heeded her call today.

To start the day, I was beat.  Bushed, knackered, très fatigué.  Sleep has been my elusive friend for the last week or so.  Stress is the culprit I'm sure.  When is a mom of 3 not stressed?

I wasn't going to go to my run "date" with my girls but they shamed me into it.  Long and short of it is I didn't get home until 6pm.  My darling hubby pulled in right behind me.  And no I did not have a healthy meal pre-prepared in my handy dandy slow cooker.

So the phone call went in and we had the most delicious, greasy, cheesy pizza imaginable.  The pizza that is made here is legend.  It's its own sub-species of pizza.  There is a facebook group devoted to it.  It was soooooo good.  It is currently resembling a ten pound weight that has taken up residence in my gut.  Blech!!

I'm glad I've had this little reminder of exactly WHY we are giving up junk food.  While it tastes wonderful going in, it almost never feels good afterward.  Be it physically or emotionally, there are always consequences. 

I can't wait to start seeing the positive consequences of our challenge!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The challenge!

I'm going to say this and pray I don't get sued.......junk food is a menace. 

It's easy, it's convenient and it's slowly destroying my family. 

OK maybe that's a bit extreme, but it certainly isn't helping!

To give you some background,  I'm a married mom of 3 wonderful kids, ages 12, 8 and 16 months.  I have been overweight the majority of my adult life.  My husband of 14 years was a skinny guy before he met me.  He has started to have some weight issues in the last 8 years or so.  My children are all well within the healthy weight category and, damn it, I want it to stay that way!

Maybe junk food isn't the "enemy" but it's one thing that I can have some control over. 

So we've come to a decision....30 days....no junk food.  We are starting Sept 1st. 

We sat down with the kids and came up with some rules for this challenge:

  1. junk food is defined as the following: Chocolate, chips, ice cream, basically anything that can be bought at a convenience store
  2. No processed meats or fast food
  3. When Daddy is away for a meal due to work, he must make the best choice possible
  4. When a child is away for a meal, he/she must make the best choice possible.  If no good choice is available and there is the option to come home, then the child should come home for said meal
  5. Coffee should be sweetened with something other than sugar and preferably natural (honey or stevia)
 I'm sure the children will come up with more rules as we go along LOL!

The prize the children have chosen is a trip to the science center in a nearby city.  It is a place that they love and since they chose it I'm sure it's important to them.

So the gauntlet has been thrown and the challenge accepted.

Let's hope the only casualty is our waistlines! :D